Sunday, September 03, 2006

Train Journeys...

I like train journeys... Rather I love them... Its a good way to see how people react and you can have fun if you have a slightly amazing sense of humor.. :)
Will try to reminisce some exciting and intriguing incidents -

So here I was sitting with an elderly gentleman on side lower. He'd spread the berth like they do when someone wants to sleep.. So we are having a nice little chat about stations and stuff.. you know like "I think we will reach Blah station by blah time".. Now I happen to be hungry at the same time.. Ok, and I was doing another annoying thing which was to ask that person "Let me know if you want to sleep" (of course seeing the position of the berth and with all due respect to the age).. Coming to the hungry bit, I had a pack of biscuits with me. Now if you have seen the ads that Railways wants people to travel safe, almost all of them have a pack of "poisonous" biscuits in it. I offered the pack of biscuits to the person in front, and believe me he just left the seat... I mean totally left it... only to return when he found me in deep slumber... Ithink this is what might have happened -
Over enthu me --> Asking if he wants to sleep --> Seeing that he is awake offering biscuits!!

Another incident while travelling back to Hyd.. So I have got a free upgrade which I am totally unaware of, and so my seat is allocated to someone else. And like me there is another guy.. SO in toto there are 4 of us for 2 seats and there is other junta legally in their seats.. Since I had the right to sit on my seat I just grabbed it... the other person had to eat lunch so he grabbed the window seat... the guy s'posed to sit on window, sat besides the lunch eater.. Because of which the everyone shifted one place right... Let me show you a li'l diagram..
62 - my seat
62 - the other guy --> eating lunch at 58
59 - main guy -> shifted to 58
58 - main guy -> shifted to 57
57 - main guy -> rock steady on 57
61 - no one occupied
60 - another guy...
So for about 15 mins there were 4 guys on 3 seats and on my side 2 guys on 3 seats.. LOL.. and NO ONE even thought about 'adjusting' thinking that the other will do it....

Many more to come..


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