Thursday, August 24, 2006


Another one tonight, another argument in the mind -
While preparing for the ELP several thoughts crossed my mind. I will just list them out for any reader to form an opinion.

1. How many people from rural area would like to pay for water? Lets take a fair assumption that no one in the village really cares if water is potable or not.
2. So promotion would be absolute necessity, and how'd we do that?
3. What will happen if they get good water? The benefits in short vs long term
4. What if 10 years hence the villagers are healthier and are economically more productive (meaning earning more)? Would they still want this "cheap" source of water?
5. What if no one buys this concept till employment guarantee comes in picture? Thats politicizing but heck, it might happen.

And myriad such thoughts crossed my mind... an ELP can change your life!!


At 8:07 PM , Blogger tejbir said...

Water in rural areas has many other social issues viz. a. condition of women, who have the sole responsibility of getting water home and if they for some reason fail, are abused, b. untouchability - its still rampant in rural areas, a fellow wont dare to have a sip from a high caste man's well nearby but will walk 10 miles to get that sip of water from the pond/lake/river.
Thus a water supply that will overcome these and more issues will be successful, but provided the financial position improves where the rural folks can substitite a couple of rupees for taking a 10 mile long walk.

At 10:48 PM , Blogger Nissim said...

Tejbir, a good point you have here... actually gender empowerment was one of the core focus of this ... unfortunately we didn't bag this project... but believe me its still done and its a revolution in itself..


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