Thursday, August 31, 2006

Community mentality....

I have been seeing a lot of 'community' activity on orkut lately. Makes me wonder why does a person want to belong to a certain community? Does community make people more divided or united? Does it give a purpose to live to some?

The answer lies in between. While college communities make people nostalgic and we all really cherished our college days very much, there are some other types of communities that really bother you. One such person contacted me for joining a certain regional community. I believe making communities based on region or religion is dividing in nature. People belonging to such communities, I believe, see humans as a sumtotal of something abstract. A community of people working in same organization leads to constructive ideas, and co-operation. A community belonging to a region makes people very constricted in their view of world.

To borrow from Fountainhead, a community build to empower human and not to make him dependent on the community itself.


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