Saturday, July 29, 2006


Had an amazing dinner, there is a party going on but (as usual) I am not in a party mood, partly because of this amazing nature of mine which goes out to all those fighter souls in my family taking it with their fates to shape their destinies. But as I sit down to write this blog and yawn my day off, there are a bunch out their arguing about a whole lot of issues in the world.

So what really constitutes an argument and why do we Indians love to do it? No I really mean it, Indians just looooove it.

Place: The office I use to work in US
Time: Nearly evening snack, say, 6-ish
Characters: An american colleague and I

I just asked her what kind of food she liked. She liked Thai and chinese. Like a typical not-seen-the-world types, I asked her if there was anything like American cuisine. She thought for a while, and said she never cared. I thought, what a loser!

Yah those were the thoughts I had and now I think if really every Indian is born with that kind of mentality. Really, what does it really matter what food you eat until you are having something good and attributing it to the person who made it. Does it really matter for any nation to have their cuisine so that one knows the culture? After staying for 2 years in US, a strong negation would be my answer. And yet we argue.

So now you would ask whats argument got to do with it. I think argument is a result of a lot of ample time, or a lot of information or sometimes both. We, Indians, rarely argue to find solutions. More than half of the time it is to prove a point with little consideration as to what the other person is thinking or where he/she is coming from to counter-argue.

People who have something or the other to do to keep their minds occupied rarely argue. That is also proven by the fact that such people often have their actions speak for them. Rare quality, but learnable.

While I am listening to the argument thats going on outside, I feel "What a mess!" And I don't care a damn 'coz I am yawning my day off with this blog. For a developing economy, we definitely don't need argumentation. Be it religion, philosophy, my neighbour or otherwise!!


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