My blog site reads nissimatisb, and well I haven't written much about it at all. But rather than having a guilt, I am having a cup of tea right now, to digest this bitter fact. Alright this will be a sum total of what has happened with me in ISB till now... And for faint hearted, please stop right now!
My first blog, was about how I managed to tame my wild heart and got to socialize with junta. First 2 weeks were a blast with Tennis and T-nite stuff going full blown. We won the talent nite showdown, and made a turnaround from last to 2nd place!
Marketing was the first killer. Oh, and did I tell you I hate theory! So for marathon 2 terms I was molested by this subject. And my honorable quadie S, who has become a pukka MBA, was grinning all the way.. Meanwhile the other quadie V was preparing himself for all those coveted posts of student management which give people a kick and spike on the resume! He did his best but as things went it wasnt that best.
Accounting, and Finance subjects came next. I tell you these are very "lucrative" to read but when it comes to making decision, I almost fell like a Newtonian little kid staring at the ocean picking up a fancy shell or 2. DEFINITELY NOT MAJORING IN THIS, I thought (of course, out loud).
There was a tiny weeny IT subject in 4th term, my only hope to recover from the Grade BOP (Bottom of Pyramid, for the uninitiated), and it tricked us! I hit the abyss in this subject!!
Meanwhile Quadies were mingling more often.. V, G and I had fun time during inter-term breaks, mainly becoz S just had a fetish for Mumbai ... Yah right, everyone loves their home town but this was definitely more than that...
I will stop here since faint hearted didnt listen and are still reading... guys please....
OK later then!!
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