Saturday, October 21, 2006

Some thinking...

Ok a bit of background, have been seeing people fighting a lot lately. I really am not a fighter, I mean I really don't believe in fighting for every small thing, sometimes the benefit is in letting things go. Also I think fighting for a thing makes you possessive to a degree that cannot be justified in common sensical terms. Of course, for larger things like rights etc, I can fight but looking at my past, the last big fight I had was in 9th std where I stood for myself ( and don't ask what entailed)

Whatever it may be, today's blog is dedicated to all those people who take smallest of things with great seriousness and fight for it, without recognizing that it JUST might not be at all in a long term benefit. I will draw hugely from MBA terminology but you will get a hang towards the end.

Opportunity cost - What is the benefit I am giving up my pursuing this fight? Ask yourself, if you would have used this energy (mental or physical or spiritual) for some other use, would you have made a difference to yourself. I am concerned since people doing MBA fail to do this! E.g. instead of spending time thinking about how education system is bad, if that same intensity can be used for thinking about how current education can be used to analyse a situation in society, wouldn't that be a positive proposition?

Adverse Selection - We all know, or should know, that ultimately, everything in this world boils down to an individual. Admissions, job opportunity, your case getting selected, everything. You might, at this point say committees, but go back to influencing skills workshop, and remember the key takeaway. Its ultimately a minority that influences the majority and most of the times just one influencer! So if the world is that subjective, what matters is not to prove to the world you are good or bad but to that person? Isn't this hurting your ego a bit. Now world becomes a pretty decent place to live if we assume that everyone is good at what they do. You will realize that once you adopt this funda, you create a positive network externality, plus you create an indirect pressure on the person before you to be responsible.

To sum, what if today, we all think that life is not about just being good in the system, but to use the system to make the world a better place, I'd say that is education. Otherwise, I see nothing but wasted brilliance...


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